Find out how RiMo is helping world’s leading businesses stay at the forefront of their industry expertise.
RiMo is a platform akin to a Sherpa helping you move mountains across a range of business challenges. The platform creates critical revenue generating opportunities by consuming data, applying cutting-edge technologies to the data to derive intelligent insights, and transferring these capabilities to your existing system.
RiMo deploys a unique ‘Engineering out’ not ‘I.T. in’ approach to create the solution, data analytics, and digital process unique to you. The platform consumes all the data and applies AI models and cognitive computing to create visualization and solutions that provide intelligent answers. Once we have the complete Mesh Map, we then transfer the digital intelligence and embed it into your existing systems.
Using an insight led approach, we tailor the calculations, data, and specific computations from RiMo to your needs to reduce error and achieve high accuracy. The MindMesh is then integrated with your system, so that you own a transformative digital solution at the end of the process.
MindMesh is the digital evolution of engineering. We
provide clients with sound technical expertise and
knowledge for products relating to design, manufacturing
process evaluations, and engineering of the product’s life
cycle. With over 15 years of industrial experience in diverse
disciplines, our team is uniquely equipped to resolve tough
and complicated engineering issues with success!